Speed sensor


Flow/flow rate


The SPEEDY is a Doppler effect speed sensor that uses bubbles or solids suspended in a liquid to calculate the speed of the liquid. The sensor converts its signal to an RS485 digital output or to a 0/4÷20mA analogue signal when connected to UltraRanger Speedy electronics. Terry Ferraris Speedy velocity sensors are easy to use, easy to install, and are used for velocity measurements of aerated liquids or liquids with suspended solids in open channels or in full or partially full pipes. The accuracy of the measurement depends on the repeatability of the quality of the liquid as well as the hydraulic geometry of the channel or pipeline.
Speedy is certainly an economical alternative to civil works in all those channels where there are not enough straight stretches upstream or downstream of the measuring point or where the pressure drop generated by a weir or Venturi channel could not be tolerated, or in all those cases where the pipeline, whatever its geometry, is always full and the only thing that changes is the speed at which the liquid moves. From a constructional point of view, there are two different models of SPEEDY speed sensors:

  1. the slipper model to be installed at the bottom or at the side of the channel or circular duct
  2. the insertion model with threaded process connection 11/2’ Gas Cylindrical

The speed at which the liquid moves can then be viewed on the display of the now associated electronics.

The advantages of Speedy sensors are:

  • maximum ease and simplicity of installation
  • no cost for civil works
  • self-cleaning sensor profile
  • low maintenance under non-severe operating conditions